Tuesday, August 4, 2009

purge, purge, organize, and purge...

Well in my anger the other day i removed all the special momento/keepsake boxes that i had left at the house...i wanted it all back and NOW!!

Well, this morning i started sifting through the CRAZINESS, it's unbelievable all the stuff that was kept! I went from 2 large boxes of wedding crap down to one medium box, and i'm sure that'll get smaller yet again when i make the decision about the wedding gown...i've been thinking about ditching it since before the separation and well now i just want to set fire to the damn thing! lol.(joking!)...

Now i just need to weed through about 4 rubbermaids of 1st outfits and keepsake crap that people gave the girls that has always sat in a box, etc etc...

There is nothing like living in a small apartment to give you that swift kick in the tooshie to start purging and organizing! I just hope that i don't overflow the dumpster out here!! lol.

1 comment:

  1. I need to do that again! I did it when I moved to this house, but it's been almost 4 years now! :)
